Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Avengers - 2012

The Avengers - 2012

While I did really enjoy this movie there were a lot of things I took issue with.  While I never read the comics there are a few things I do know about The Avengers that it looked like they really screwed up.

1. Captain who?  - It’s my understanding that Captain America is the leader of The Avengers and while he is seen giving orders in one scene he does nothing to bring this iconic group of superheroes together.

 This is the US poster for the movie.  Notice how Captain America is in the background behind just about every character.  Judging by this poster they should have called the movie Iron Man and the Avengers.

 Now check out the cover for the straight to dvd animated feature Ultimate Avengers.  Notice how Captain America is front and center with everyone else behind him.

2. Hawkeye is a bad guy - As one of my favorite Avengers it just really pissed me off that he gets brainwashed by Loki in the first five minutes and stays that way for half the movie.  He doesn’t even have a chance to do or even say much before he betrays everyone.  He redeems himself in the end and his scenes are pretty badass but it doesn’t make up for all that happened earlier.
Stepping outside myself and my love for this character for a moment, this is just real shitty character development. Look at it this way how are most people supposed to establish that Hawkeye is a hero when he only got one minute of screen time in Thor and the next time we see him he becomes an easily led puppet?  Oh and by the way the perceived romance he has with Black Widow pissed me off too.

3.  Banner miscasting - I don’t care that they couldn’t get Ed Norton to reprise his role as Dr. Bruce Banner but the guy they replaced him with is just awful.

4. Quagmire - Nick Fury rushes to the war conclusion too readily.  Loki escapes that compound and the next we hear from Fury there’s a war.  When did he come to this conclusion and why?  For all he knows it’s just Loki and Hawkeye.

5.  BS technology -   Whenever I see a piece of tech that either can’t exist or has no reason to it takes me out of the movie.  I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw something as ridiculous or unnecessary as the FLYING AIRCRAFT CARRIER!!!  As soon as I saw this coming onscreen I said to myself, “They’re not going to go there,” and then, “I can’t fucking believe it”.  And that’s when I slapped my head.    First off there is NO FUCKING REASON IT SHOULD BE FLYING IN THE FIRST PLACE!  The one reason I can imagine it does is so they can get places faster but even that doesn’t make any sense because most of these super heroes can fly and the ones who can’t could easily fly out of there in one of the jets WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DO AT THE END OF THE MOVIE!  Not to mention the fact that it does fly poses a major threat to anything they fly over.  Later in the movie the damned thing gets sabotaged and  they have to fix the problem or plunge to earth and kill themselves and everyone below them.  Second I don’t know jack shit about propulsion but even I know there’s no turbine in the fucking world big enough or powerful enough to lift an aircraft carrier.  Third, an aircraft carrier is not aerodynamic that’s why they’re designed for the sea and not the air.

6.  Dues Ex Machina City – At one point Thor is tricked into getting trapped in Loki’s prison as he escapes.  He tries to force his way out but all he manages to do is put a little crack in the glass.  His imprisonment leads to the death of a main character but when the cell is jettisoned and plummeting to earth Thor easily escapes by breaking through the glass.
(Huge Spoilers)  Towards the end of the movie against Nick Fury’s orders the unseen syndicate that gives S.H.I.E.L.D its orders sends a nuclear missile at the city despite the fact that there’s no threat of the Chitauri army escaping the city.  Iron Man then uses this missile to blow up the Chitauri mothership which disables all their troops on earth.  I didn’t even know they were robots until this point.  In fact they zoom in on a few of them and they appear to have creature like faces.  Assuming these things are robots of some kind the movie does nothing to establish this nor do they explain who they are, where they come from, or why they want to rule the earth, they just do.  The Citauri are the biggest MacGuffin  I’ve seen in a movie in a long time.  Really they only exist so The Avengers have something to beat up in the final act of the movie.  I also find it a little ironic that this is how they saved the day in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace which also starred Samuel L. Jackson.  When will alien invaders learn that organic soldiers don’t malfunction when your mothership gets destroyed?

7. HULK AGAIN!!!  The inconsistencies with the Hulk are enough to transform me into a giant green rage monster.  My younger brother often plays devil’s advocate whenever I point out plot inconsistencies that leave huge gaping holes in the suspension of disbelief.  In the last act of the movie Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk again only this time instead of attacking everything in sight it only focuses on the bad guys except for a scene where it punches Thor in comic relief.  Not even he was willing to defend that.

8.  Not enough heroic sequences – I had the same problem with this that I did with Iron Man.  I’m not saying all they have to do is run around rescuing cats out of trees but seeing these superheroes actually saving someone every once in a while would be nice.  In The Avengers all they do is fight things.  In the Spiderman movies we see him saving people all the time. (I realize towards the end they do some pseudo saving people but they’re not actually saving them they’re just telling them to find shelter.)

9. Meh – It’s more of a personal thing but it pissed me off when someone told Captain America Thor was a god and he said quote, “There’s only one god and he doesn’t dress like that.”

I find it odd that a 72 minute animated movie establishes its characters and plot better than a live action movie that’s longer, has a better budget, and an a list cast.  I’d hate to say it but Ultimate Avengers is a far superior movie, but I still liked this one and expect to buy it as soon as it comes out.

In spite of all the problems I mentioned I give this movie an 85 +B.  It’s got issues but it’s still a fun and enjoyable movie if you can forgive some of those issues.

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