Saturday, March 17, 2012

Elder Scrolls Skyrim A love hate relationship

I've taken an unplanned hiatus from writing reviews to play an obsessively time consuming video game THAT IS FUCKING PISSING ME OFF!  I really don't know where that came from.  Part of me is enjoying playing this game while the other part has me throwing controllers and yelling at the tv.  This may very well be one of the most critically acclaimed games ever made but here are some reason why I don't like it.

  1. Incredibly long load times.  Out of ten hours of gameplay at least two are devoted to staring at load screens some of which are completely blank save for some smoke.  The last time I played games with load times this long was on the Playstation One.
  2. The new interactive map.  It looks like a satellite photo but one of the more annoying aspects is when you're traveling by night your map is also dark making it difficult to see where you are or what's around you.  There's also a lot of mountains that obscure your view of certain destinations. I'd prefer a 2d map, it's a hell of a lot easier to read.
  3. Difficulty.  From the very beginning you are outnumbered and outmatched.  There are creatures in this game that can kill you with one or two hits no matter what level you are.  I've been playing video games for over 20 years now and just about any game I've ever played was either challenging or fun.  This game is neither, at times it feels more like a chore than anything.  It is neither challenging nor fun(nor fair) when your opponent can easily defeat you like it has god mode on.  Seriously this damned game can be unrelentingly sadistic at times!  It's bad enough you died but now you have go back and do the same things(such as empty chests, kill bad guys, or talk to people) you did five minutes ago over again.  It can be so tedious.
  4. Glitches.  And boy it's got a lot of them.  Funny how all the people who are praising this game never mention how the game freezes and they lose their progress.  Mind you this has only happened to me a handful of times but that's too many in my opinion.  I HAD THE GAME FREEZE ON A GODDAMNED LOAD SCREEN!  Each time this happens I'm afraid I'm going to get a red ring of death.
  5. Small ass font.  This game was formatted for high definition wide screen tvs and I'm playing it on an analog tv.  It's a big screen but I still can't see a lot of the text outside books.  Even the subtitle text is a little hazy sometimes.
  6. Dragons.  I may be nit picking because at worst these are just mildly annoying.  They drop out of the sky whenever they damn well please causing you to either run away or fight. Because you are so outmatched during the first 10 levels or so I was forced to do the former a lot.  It's really distracting when I'm on a quest and I have to drop everything to kill one of these things.
  7. Mountains.  Because there are so many mountains in this game you have to zig zag a lot just to get where you're going.  Very rarely are you treated with a destination where you can just go in a straight line.  I really hate maneuvering around all these mountains.

Alternately there is a lot I like about this game.

  1. Graphics.  This game is so beautiful.  The landscapes are breathtaking and the NPCs are vivid.  It can be downright seamless.  In first person mode you really feel like you're running around hacking at things with your sword or shooting things with your bow.
  2. It's addictive.  I don't know if this something I like or dislike but it can be time consuming and I've often found myself accepting four or five different quests while trying to complete a relatively simple one.  When the game isn't blatantly cheating you you're having a good time

While it looks like my reasons for hating this game outweigh my reasons for liking it some of the things I dislike are small while the things I like are rather big.  I'm still a long ways from beating this game but so far I give it an 80/100 B-.  So far out of the three I've played, Elder Scrolls 3: Marrowind, Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, and Skyrim, this is my least favorite while Marrowind takes the lead by a wide margin.  I've never had as much fun playing an Elder Scrolls game as a I did with Marrowind.

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