Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rob Zombie's Halloween - 2007

Confession time

Confession 1 – I hate The Devil’s Rejects and always have.  I’ve always felt like an outcast for not adoring this movie when my friends, relatives, and even other cult film reviewers have.  I just found the movie needlessly cruel and sadistic.

Confession 2 – This seems an almost more controversial opinion because I liked House of 1,000 Corpses.  Most people who absolutely love Devil’s Rejects tend to agree that they didn’t really get House of 1,000 Corpses.

Confession 3 - I am not entirely against horror remakes.  There have been a few I actually liked.  The Hills Have Eyes, Last House on the Left, and Dawn of the Dead are just some examples of horror remakes I love, which brings me to:

Confession 3.1 – However unpopular it is to say this I did not entirely hate The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Confession 3.2 – Or Friday the 13th

Confession 3.3 – I am not looking forward to Diablo fucking Cody’s Evil Dead

Confession 4 – I’ve never been a fan of the “Halloween” franchise.  The first one is really good but I’ve never seen the second one and have only seen a few of the sequels.  I was always a bigger fan of the “Friday the 13th” and “Hellraiser” movies.

Confession 5 - I have now seen a movie I dislike 3 times.

Evil Unmasked

     A lot of times when a horror movie is remade it’s directed by an amateur trying to make a name for himself or a studio puppet the production company picked out because he or she somehow managed to impress them.  Whatever the reason may be I can’t tell you why these movies failed to impress their target audiences.  I can tell you that there is a younger audience who may never see the originals because the remakes are so lousy or don’t see the need to see the same movie twice or may not be interested in them because they are old.  What is lacking is competent writing, relatable characters, and faithfulness to the original films.  Seems like these remakes suffer from one thing above all else and that’s that they’re trying to make something new and original from previously established characters and situations.  They are short sighted and delusional enough to believe that they can make an original film from an unoriginal concept.  And I really don’t know what we the movie goer are expecting either.  We’ve seen the originals, do we expect them to make the same exact movie and then get pissed when they give us something else?

     I remember the hype built up for Rob Zombie’s remake of Halloween to be mostly positive among fans and I was no different.  As excited as I was to see what Rob Zombie was going to do with “Halloween” I didn’t get to see it until long after it had gone to dvd.  For that reason I’ll be reviewing the unrated version.

     After seeing this movie I was more disillusioned and disgusted than angry.  The weekend I watched this movie I also watched the remake of “Last House on the Left” and the remake of “I Spit on Your Grave”.  If you’ve seen one or all of these movies it should come as no surprise to you that they all have one thing in common, RAPE!  In “Last House” and “I Spit on Your Grave” you’d expect it because these movies are about rape but when I started watching “Halloween” I was sure I was going to get a respite from this.  What’s worse is unlike the aforementioned films the rape has no relevance to the plot.  The rape is treated as a means for Michael Myers to escape his padded cell.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen rape used a plot device in a movie before and it really bothers me that Rob Zombie takes rape so lightly.  Alas this is just another example of Zombie’s warped psyche.  It must be Rob Zombie’s view that we are all hiding monsters and his characters are unafraid to reveal these inner demons.  Regardless of whether they are good or bad all his characters have reckless abandon and lack of restraint.  The way they interact with one another feels alien.  Rob Zombie has reduced his characters to the world’s worst trailer park populated by nothing but angry violent sexaholics.

     The movie begins with the world’s most dysfunctional family so it’s should come as to no surprise that one of them would turn into a violent psychotic criminal.  The family consists of five people, a lazy abusive perverted alcoholic alpha male step father or boyfriend, the stressed and concerned stripper mother, the sarcastic lippy promiscuous teenage daughter, the baby who “cries and shits”, and of course Michael Myers who kills his pets and wears clown masks to the breakfast table.  In the first four minutes the step dad taunts a baby, tells his wife her daughter “has a nice dumper”, flings the entire breakfast arrangement to the floor, and threatens to break his arm against his step son’s head.  I’m sure we can all relate to this since this is the average American family having the average American breakfast.  This is pretty typical for a Rob Zombie movie.  All the families in all his movies have been crazy or dysfunctional which just leads me to wonder what Rob Zombie’s upbringing was like.

     After that scene we join Michael at school where of course he is bullied by bigger kids.  He is cornered in the bathroom when rather than just beat him like most real life bullies would have done they accuse his mother and sister of being whores until they provoke him into a fight.  The principal overhears this bathroom skirmish and breaks it up.  What happens next is hilarious.  One of the bullies accuses Michael of starting the fight.  Uhhh yeah right the two of you had him on the ground when this was broken up, not to mention there are two of you to his one.  The principal just saved Michael from an ass whuppin and rather than thank him he yells FUCK YOU out of the blue.  In my schools the two bullies would have been punished and Michael would have gotten a lecture about trying to avoid fights in the future.

     The next scene is a laugh riot too.  Michael’s mother joins him at the principal’s office where she cusses belligerently at him.  The principal has called in a child psychologist and the look on Mrs. Myers face is priceless as she asks, “psychologist?”  Somehow she’s shocked that Michael’s angry abusive home life may be affecting him.  They show her the body of a dead cat in a ziplock bag that they found in Michael’s backpack and she says, “big deal so he found a dead cat”.  I think Mrs. Myers has just won the in denial Mother of the Year award.  


     While his mother argues with Dr. Loomis(the child psychologist) Michael runs off and stalks one of the bullies he was just fighting with.  As soon as he gets him alone in the woods Michael starts beating him to a bloody pulp with a tree branch.  Before Michael finishes him off the bully sobbingly pleads for his life.  I have no sympathy for this one dimensional archetype as Michael continues to bludgeon him.

     I really didn’t want to go scene by scene with this movie but it’s like each scene is worse than the last.  Later that night Michael is sitting watching tv with his stepfather when he starts to taunt him about killing small animals.  I just can’t help but wonder why the hell Michael’s mom confided in her husband about this when it was previously established that this man loves tormenting his stepson. 

     The next few scenes are pretty bizarre.  We’re shown a montage of Michael trick or treating by himself while his mother strips.  The montage is pretty unnecessary because we already know that his mother is a stripper and likewise that Michael is a sad loner.  Michael goes home where he chows down on candy while his sister gets laid.  I haven’t mentioned this before but Michael’s stepdad has a broken leg, broken arm, and broken fingers.  The reason I mention this is because all of a sudden Michael just snaps.  He duct tapes his stepfather to his recliner and slits his throat.  I’m sure even if you didn’t restrain him he’d have no way of fighting back or running away.  After giving his sister the business her boyfriend goes downstairs to make himself a snack.  What a class act.  Before this character is given a chance of bullying or teasing Michael he is beaten to death with an aluminum bat. 

     The next time we see Michael he’s in an asylum.  When asked he has no idea why he is there or what he’s done.  There’s also a scene where he asks his mother how everyone back home is doing.  I think it’s pretty damn convenient that he doesn’t remember a thing.  When you think about it Michael’s entire backstory is convenient.  He has all the earmarks of a stereotypical serial killer, he’s a loner, has a troubled home life, is bullied, and tortures small animals.  I think it would have been better if there was no method for Michael’s madness and he just simply was a monster.  That’s how Dr. Loomis explains it in the original movie.

     Michael fails to adjust to life in the asylum and becomes more withdrawn and stops talking entirely.  After a failed session with Dr. Loomis Michael is left alone with a nurse who is stupid enough to tease and turn her back on him giving him the perfect opportunity to kill.  After this episode his mother realizes that Michael is never going to get any better and commits suicide leaving him all alone.

     Flash forward fifteen years and Michael is now almost 7 feet tall and built like a pro wrestler.  A lot of faithful elitists took issue with the character changes in this and The Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes.  It doesn’t bother me that Jason is now a master trapper and is faster than an Olympic sprinter, or that Leatherface is now a sympathetic freak of nature, and it doesn’t bother me that Rob Zombie made average sized Michael Myers to a giant hulking behemoth.  I actually like Michael this way.  His added size and bulk make him more threatening even though it really doesn’t make sense.  In his childhood scenes he shuts down completely and is almost catatonic.  So how and when did Michael find the time and energy to work out regularly in his depressed state?

     This is the last scene I’m going to be doing a scene by scene for.  We’re introduced by the single most repellant character in this movie and with a movie that has so many repellant characters that’s saying something.  The angriest and most insecure orderly in the world greets Michael for his last session with Dr. Loomis by saying, “Let’s go fucknut” and “I’ll be a shitstorm in your worst nightmare mother fucker”.  I feel like I’m starting to sound like a broken record here but why is he taunting Myers?  If this is how he talks to all these mental patients why haven’t his superiors fired him yet?  If that wasn’t bad enough his buddy calls him in after work to rape a woman.  Instead of just raping her they drag her into Michael’s room to rape her while they yell and call him names.  Understandably Michael gets pissed and kills them both while they have their pants around their ankles and escapes.

Raping a mental patient in front of a giant violent psychopath, it’s the perfect crime!

     Thus ends Michael Myers backstory and we can move on to the Halloween we all know and love… uhhhh sort of.  With the spotlight off Michael Myers we now follow Laurie Strode and her friends.  The characters are now more likable but not by a whole bunch.  I remember feeling the first time how unnatural the dialogue between these teenage girls felt.  Another thing that disturbed me was the lengths they went to make these girls look like teenagers.  After the unnecessary rape the sex scene the later sex scenes with Laurie Strode’s friends made me uncomfortable all over again.

     After the Michael Myers subplot there’s nothing special about the rest of this movie.  It’s almost like two different short movies.  The tone changes so drastically.  With the Michael Myers backstory it goes from a boring predictable melodrama(or soap opera) to a straight horror movie.  The latter half of this movie is just a bland remake.  It changes some things and adds others but it doesn’t set itself apart from any other remake.

So to recap here’s what’s wrong with the Halloween remake

An unnecessary backstory that makes this movie feel more like a prequel.
Unlikable characters everywhere… except for Michael who is being pushed around both at home, school, and later at the asylum by bullies.
Dumb characters who do dumb things like taunt giant insane serial killers.
Really bad dialogue
Too much excess; too long, too padded, too boring, too stylish, too violent, too much nudity and sex(can’t even believe I’m saying that)
Sheri Moon.  I know she’s your wife and you love her but does she have to be in everything you’re involved in?

     I can’t remember the last time I felt so divided about a movie.  There are parts of this movie are interesting and original but on the whole is a dull retread of things we’ve already seen.  The cinematography is really good but I can’t say I’m at all interested in what the camera is pointing at.  Previously established characters take a 180 shift in personality making them obnoxious to the point where I really don’t care what happens to them.  I’m not one of those people that believes you can’t remake classic horror movies.  It can be done and it can be done well.  Rob Zombie’s Halloween does not do it well.  It attempts to make something new and original but at the same time is restricted to the boundaries of the original film and its characters and events. 18/100

I read two disturbing things on the Halloween IMDB page

Before reinventing the legendary Halloween, Rob Zombie made the wise choice to inform John Carpenter about it. In response, Carpenter encouraged Zombie to "make it [his] own".

I guess this is what happens when you give Rob Zombie artistic license.

In the work print of the film, an alternate escape scene was used. In it Michael begins his escape from the institution by killing 2 young orderlies while they are molesting a catatonic female inmate.

REALLY?!  They’re both disgusting acts but how is forcibly raping a struggling woman better than molesting one that’s barely cognizant?!  Why did anybody have to get raped or molested?  Are you serious fucking telling me you couldn’t have Michael Myers escape without a sex crime?!

P.S.  I meant to mention this but I couldn’t find a way to wedge it in anywhere.  The first time I saw “House of 1,000 Corpses” I thought it was a little too influenced by “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”.  This movie ends exactly like “Texas Chainsaw” with a victorious heroine covered in blood screaming.

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